Stephanie June Ellis

Learn how to draw and understand the
beautiful visual language of
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Sacred ; Deserving Respect
Geometry ; Earth Measure
In this workshop we will learn how to draw a variety of Sacred Geometry motifs using only a compass and ruler.
This class is is an introduction to geometry and sacred art.
I will guide you through the very basic principles of a symbolic language, encouraging a better understanding of our connection to this beautiful universe - we call home.
Please bring an A3 Visual Diary
ALL other materials are provided
>> Absolutely No skills required, just bring yourself and an open mind <<
Note: Limited Spots Available
* To secure your spot please book in advance
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Please note: I cannot refund due to material allocation and other people missing out on a class. You are more than welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else.
In the case of a fully booked class > no changes are allowed
I hope you understand.

What is Geometry?
> Earth Measure <
Geometry helps understanding of spatial relationships. and offers a clear perception of space and position through studying the size and shape of everything in the world.
Geometry allows people to think in shapes and sizes.
Knowing about different shapes and their sizes allows the mind to visualize new things by building with the learned shapes.
It can aid in bringing together both sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is the logic-driven, technical side, while the right side is the creative and artistic side.
Most people have a dominant right brain or left brain. Geometry can help combine both to create a perfect symmetry between the two sides.
Love note >> The laws of geometry are
not human inventions. They are found
ready-made in nature and hold truth that
is the same in all times and all places and
is older than the world itself.
> John Michel *How the world is made